Lesson Plan for August 14-18th

Algebra I Week 1

Teacher:  Simmons

Week of:  August 14-18

Grade / Subject: Algebra I



  Objective/(TEKS) Lesson Summary

(Lecture, Lab, Group work, etc.)

*Terms to know

Student Expectation In Class/ (HW)
Mon N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tue To understand classroom procedures and expectations


We Will: Discuss school and classroom rules and expectations.

(Teacher led; Big Ideas Textbook link, Google Classroom)

* N/A

I Will: Understand what is expected of me at White Oak High School and in Algebra I. N/A

(Have parent sign-up for Google Classroom +5 on first test grade.)

Wed To evaluate prior skills and knowledge

(6.3.D – The student is expected to add, subtract, multiply and divide integers fluently.)

We Will: Review foundational rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers.

(Teacher led with example problems.)

* INTEGER- A whole number that can be either positive, negative, or the number zero (0)

I Will: Evaluate problems involving adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. MMP 1.1

(No HW)

Thu To solve linear equations with one variable (A.5.A – The student is expected to solve linear equations with one variable, including distributing.) We Will: Solve for a variable [x].

(Teacher led with example problems. Music to amplify lesson, George Strait “All My Exes Live in Texas”)

* CONJECTURE- An unproven statement about a mathematical concept.

I Will: Solve for a variable in linear equations.


Chapter 1.1

(#5-#43 ODD [pages 8-9]

Fri To solve linear equations with one variable (A.5.A – The student is expected to solve linear equations with one variable, including distributing.) We Will: Solve for a variable [x].

(Teacher led with example problems. Music to amplify lesson, George Strait “All My Exes Live in Texas”)

* CONJECTURE- An unproven statement about a mathematical concept.

I Will: Solve for a variable in linear equations.


Review Homework & Begin #6-44 EVEN

(#6-#44 if needed)

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