Lesson Plan September 4-8

Teacher:  Simmons

Week of:  September 4 – 8

Grade / Subject: Algebra I



  Objective/(TEKS) Lesson Summary

(Lecture, Lab, Group work, etc.)

*Terms to know

Student Expectation In Class/ (HW)
Mon N/A N/A N/A N/A
Tue To solve linear inequalities in one variable.

To use the distributive property within an inequality. (A.5.B – The student is expected to solve linear inequalities in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary.)

We Will: Work with real numbers to determine if they are part of a solution of an inequality.

(Teacher led; Big Ideas Textbook link)

* < Less Than

* > Greater Than

* ≤ Less Than or Equal To

* ≥ Greater Than or Equal To

I Will: Solve for inequalities with one variable and graph them on a number line. ICE 2.1

(#5-45 ODD, Can be found in Google Classroom)

Wed To solve linear inequalities in one variable.

To use the distributive property within an inequality. (A.5.B – The student is expected to solve linear inequalities in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary.)

We Will: Work with real numbers to determine if they are part of a solution of an inequality.

(Teacher led; Big Ideas Textbook link)

* < Less Than

* > Greater Than

* ≤ Less Than or Equal To

* ≥ Greater Than or Equal To

I Will: Solve for inequalities with one variable and graph them on a number line. ICE 2.1 Continued

(#6-44 EVEN, Can be found in Google Classroom)

Thu To solve linear inequalities in one variable.

To use the distributive property within an inequality. (A.5.B – The student is expected to solve linear inequalities in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary.)

We Will: Solve and graph inequalities that involve addition and subtraction.

(Independent Student Learning Pages 54-55; Exercises #3-29 ODD)

* < Less Than

* > Greater Than

* ≤ Less Than or Equal To

* ≥ Greater Than or Equal To

I Will: Use inverse operations of addition/subtraction to solve inequalities.


ICE 2.2 With Online Textbook Pages 54 & 55

(No HW if in class exercises are completed)


Fri To solve linear inequalities in one variable.

To use the distributive property within an inequality. (A.5.B – The student is expected to solve linear inequalities in one variable, including those for which the application of the distributive property is necessary.)

We Will: Solve and graph inequalities that involve addition and subtraction.

(Independent Student Learning Pages 54-55; Exercises #4-28 EVEN)

* < Less Than

* > Greater Than

* ≤ Less Than or Equal To

* ≥ Greater Than or Equal To

I Will: Use inverse operations of addition/subtraction to solve inequalities.


ICE 2.2 Review

(No HW)


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